• "Collective care has really given me the extra boost I needed to be a functioning member of society. I thank God every day that I made that phone call, to get a consultation."

    • Robert .G.

  • "My relationship with my family has improved greatly. I feel as though this is the best, I've ever felt about myself. I'm very glad I let CCS get me the help I needed."

    • Gill .P.

Our Mission:

To help people be independent, so they can improve their quality of life, and be the best version of themselves.

Our Vision:

To inspire hope, empowerment, and healing, by helping our communities live their fullest, healthy lives, in respect and dignity of everyone we serve.

Our Values:

  • Integrity - we strive to be as transparent as possible, because our clients deserve to have trust in the people providing them care. 

  • Ethical - even if it means the work is harder, being aware, and responsible of who we are, is more important than cutting corners, or getting things done quickly and easily.

  • Dependable - when you find yourself in a vulnerable position, it is of the utmost importance, to know that you have someone you can rely on. Who is dependable, and will consistently show up for you, in your care journey.

  • Agency - we work alongside you to create a roadmap on how you want to live your best life.